Parish Council Meeting March 2025
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
Every second Wednesday of the month in the Pavillion Room at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
The 2024 Bunny Hunt is back!
Every second Wednesday of the month, in the Pavilion Room, at the Community Centre, 7.30pm
In the Pavilion Room, Community Centre, 7.30pm
It’s the second Wednesday of the month, so it’s PC time again. Join them in the Community Centre, at the multi-gym end. The Public Forum is 7.30 to 8pm but you can stay for the full meeting. Agenda can be found here.
It’s the second Wednesday of the month, so it’s PC time again. Join them in the Community Centre, at the multi-gym end. The Public Forum is 7.30 to 8pm but you can stay for the full meeting. Agenda can be found here.
It’s the second Wednesday of the month, so it’s PC time again. Join them in the Community Centre, at the multi-gym end. The Public Forum is 7.30 to 8pm but you can stay for the full meeting. Agenda can be found here.
It’s the second Wednesday of the month, so it’s PC time again. Join them in the Community Centre, at the multi-gym end. The Public Forum is 7.30 to 8pm but you can stay for the full meeting. Agenda can be found here.
Tuesday 19th July, 4-8pm in the Community Centre. The development company seeking to build 250 to 800 houses on the land locally known as Stumps Cross would like to hear your views.
It’s the second Wednesday of the month, so it’s PC time again. Join them in the Community Centre, at the multi-gym end. The Public Forum is 7.30 to 8pm but you can stay for the full meeting. Agenda can be found here.
It’s the second Wednesday of the month, so it’s PC time again. Join them in the Community Centre, at the multi-gym end. The Public Forum is 7.30 to 8pm but you can stay for the full meeting. Agenda can be found here.
The Bunny Hunt is back! Follow the Bunny Trail around the village and win a chocolate egg! Plus the meet the animals from the SWCHS Farm at the school, alongside lots of stalls and a BBQ! Tickets £3 per child from https://buytickets.at/fogcpa/663445
A fun and lively music group for Babies to 5 years old. Tuesdays during term time, 9.30-10.15am @ The Chapel. £3 for first child, then £2 each. Email gcpafriends@gmail.com for more details.
A fun and lively music group for Babies to 5 years old. Tuesdays during term time, 9.30-10.15am @ The Chapel. £3 for first child, then £2 each. Email gcpafriends@gmail.com for more details.
The Parish council Meets on the second Wednesday each month. See the Parish Council section of the website for the agenda!
A fun and lively music group for Babies to 5 years old. Tuesdays during term time, 9.30-10.15am @ The Chapel. £3 for first child, then £2 each. Email gcpafriends@gmail.com for more details.
A fun and lively music group for Babies to 5 years old. Tuesdays during term time, 9.30-10.15am @ The Chapel. £3 for first child, then £2 each. Email gcpafriends@gmail.com for more details.
A fun and lively music group for Babies to 5 years old. Tuesdays during term time, 9.30-10.15am @ The Chapel. £3 for first child, then £2 each. Email gcpafriends@gmail.com for more details.
The Parish council Meets on the second Wednesday each month. See the Parish Council section of the website for the agenda!
The Parish council Meets on the second Wednesday each month. See the Parish council section of the website for the agenda!
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month 7.45pm@ The Chapel, Carmel St. Email Jenny Palmer: thecih.wi@hotmail.co.uk for details.