Hammond Garden & Ratcliff Garden
Hammond Garden and Ratcliff Garden are now complete. Please do go and visit the areas and see for yourselves. Details on the implementation of the project are provided below.
Hammond Garden
What3Words location - assure.essay.speeding
Signs for Hammond and Ratcliff Gardens. Artwork by Great Chesterford Primary Academy Pupils 2023.
Ratcliff Garden:
What3Words location -because.spellings.feared
Hammond Garden - Bug Hotel
Hammond Garden - Drone Photo
27th Nov 2023 - The working group met, officially handed over to the maintenance committee and noted the last activities that need completing. The notes and list of activities can be found here.
25th Sep 2023 - The working group met and notes including next steps can be found here.
14th Aug2023 - The working group met and notes including next steps can be found here.
19th Jun 2023 - The working group met and notes including next steps can be found here.
27th Apr 2023 - It has been confirmed that both areas will be in scope and the PC has signed off on the plans. Notes from the working group from 17th April can be found here.
15th Mar 2023 - Exciting news. We believe that we can in fact update two areas in Pilgrim Close within the budget we have. Watch this space.
6th Mar 2023 - The working group met and notes including next steps can be found here. The notes also include the Parish Council’s responses to questions posed on 8th Mar 2023 (in red)
13th Feb 2023 - A kick off meeting was held and notes from the meeting including next steps can be found here.
A working group has formed to transform two currently underused areas of pilgrim close (hammond garden) and (RATCLIFF Garden).
Hammond Garden:
We plan to add plants, shrubs, flowers, planters, picnic bench and other seating, a bug hotel, bird boxes etc to encourage wildlife, biodiversity and a love of our natural environment . We hope that the space will be interactive and will encourage community togetherness across all ages. People might come to harvest fruit and vegetables, explore the wildlife, enjoy a picnic of simply sit and chat.
We are planning a more simple use of this space. The primary purpose will be to attract wildlife. There will still be planters but the plants grown will those designed to encourage wildlife rather than for the purpose of harvesting. A bench/picnic table will be available to sit and enjoy this space.
wE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WITH THE PROJECT PLEASE CONTACT rACHEL thackray rachel.thackray.gcpc@gmail.com if you could help
Above shows the location of both Hammond Garden (1) and Ratcliff Garden (2) on a map.
What3Words Location:
Hammond Garden - assure.essay.speeding
Ratcliff Garden - because.spellings.feared
“Before” Hammond gARDEN Photo
Tim Chapman, Aerial Photography Solutions
“Before” rATCLIFF gARDEN Photo
Tim Chapman, Aerial Photography Solutions
Draft Hammond gARDEN plan
Jason Papworth, Newblooms
Draft Ratcliff gARDEN plan
Jason Papworth, Newblooms